8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904 • Jacksonville, FL 32216 • 904-928-3303 • 904-928-3343 fax
Articles on Contributing Factors
We have found that the vast majority of conditions and problems that we treat either have their start from or are aggravated by posture or ergonomics.
When we treat a patient, we also analyze what the aggravating circumstances are and show them what they need to do to lessen or eliminate this action. Way too many times a patient has told us that they were not even aware of what they were doing that caused their problem to become worse or even start.
The best results always come from us working together and this is one of the many ways we work toward resolving your condition/problem.
Also, most patients have heard of bones, nerves, muscles, organs, and tissue but most do not have a clear understanding of Fascia and the very important part it plays in the body. This is so important that we included it in our articles.
View our list of articles below. If you have any questions, please contact us.
8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904, Jacksonville, FL 32216 | 904-928-3303 | 904-928-3343 fax | solutions@stillinpain.info
The information presented here is informative only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. There has been no intent to provide medical advice, diagnose illness or in any way practice medicine.
Always consult your physician on matters of your health. License MM33984