8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904 • Jacksonville, FL 32216 • 904-928-3303 • 904-928-3343 fax
Hip Pain
Elective joint replacements have been growing at an astonishing rate. At this time the top three healthcare expenditures are on Heart Disease, Cancer and Elective Joint Replacements. Surprisingly not in that order, more is spent on elective joint replacement than is spent on the entire cost of cancer care in the USA. And it is fast approaching the number one position to overtake Heart Disease.
Hip replacement has been a miracle to many people and they now live a normal or near normal life, vastly improved. But there are those that did not fare as well and are now living in even more pain.
There are those that are living in constant hip pain that the normal protocol ordered by their physician did not help. They are in pain management with heavy narcotics and injections but the pain is still there. And they do not want a hip replacement or are not a candidate for hip replacement.
Maybe a person has only had a problem with their hip for a few months. The usual muscle relaxants, pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication did not help. Within a few sessions of exercise based physical therapy they realized that they were actually getting worse instead of better. They want to know why they have the problem and want to participate in getting it resolved.
To resolve a hip problem you must look at the daily perpetuating factors that help continue the problem and increase the intensity. You must investigate the ‘why’ behind what is going on, not just with the hip but the low back, the knee, the whole person. You must decompress joints and release myofascial adhesions that have formed binding the hip in incorrect functional movement. You must work through soft tissue and connective tissue that impinge not just nerves but the vascular system.
The ReCAPS System™ does all this and much more. ReCAPS™ can resolve these problems.
Other articles on contributing factors:
8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904, Jacksonville, FL 32216 | 904-928-3303 | 904-928-3343 fax | solutions@stillinpain.info
The information presented here is informative only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. There has been no intent to provide medical advice, diagnose illness or in any way practice medicine.
Always consult your physician on matters of your health. License MM33984