8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904 • Jacksonville, FL 32216 • 904-928-3303 • 904-928-3343 fax
Mobility Restrictions
This topic can cover many things, from being able to lift your arm, to bending over, or turning your neck. What we are not discussing here is when immobility is due to a paralyzing nerve condition or a stroke.
When a complaint is first voiced about how hard it is to lift my arm, the first comment you hear is that you need to build up your strength and you need to be in an exercise program. Not that either one of these things is bad, of course not, they are excellent.
It’s just that strengthening may not be what’s needed at all; in fact it just may be the worst thing to do this time.
Let me give you a few examples. A woman was cleaning her closet and she was lifting boxes and carrying clothes. The next day she was sore and it hurt to lift her arm so she decided to just rest it and compensated by moving differently. A few weeks go by and now she can only lift her arm halfway up. Is the answer to say she does not have enough strength, so she needs to be on a strength building program or is it to find out what is pulling her arm down that makes it so hard for her to lift her arm up?
A young man is in an auto accident and gets whiplash. He can hardly move his neck in any direction. He is soon started on a strength building program for his neck because it is too weak. Did whiplash suddenly make all of his muscles weak?
It is noted that a woman has a forward head posture and rounded shoulders; she is told that she needs to strengthen her back. But is her back weak or is it strong since her back muscles have already been fighting to keep her upright?
In these cases and most others you must release what is restricting the mobility before any other consideration, especially strengthening. Every case is different, and with the ReCAPS System™ every case is addressed specific to the person, how the problem began, in addition to the perpetuating factors.
And this is exactly what ReCAPS™ does, resulting in considerable change quickly.
Other articles on contributing factors:
8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904, Jacksonville, FL 32216 | 904-928-3303 | 904-928-3343 fax | solutions@stillinpain.info
The information presented here is informative only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. There has been no intent to provide medical advice, diagnose illness or in any way practice medicine.
Always consult your physician on matters of your health. License MM33984