8833 Perimeter Park Blvd.,  Suite 904 • Jacksonville, FL 32216 • 904-928-3303 •  904-928-3343 fax

Piriformis Syndrome

This is really just another name for Sciatica.  It just clarifies where the problem is originating from, which is the piriformis muscle deep in the hip.  Most of the time, when a physician refers to Sciatica, they believe that the problem is originating from either the spinal root nerves and/or spinal disk compression.

The piriformis is almost always involved when sciatic nerve pain is demonstrated, and that is why the piriformis must always be treated when there is sciatic pain.

The piriformis is a small muscle very deep in the hip that attaches from the sacrum to the greater trochanter of the femur, making a connection from the lowest part of your back across your hip to your leg.

The piriformis is a lateral hip rotator so when you turn your leg outward or laterally you see it at work.  It also acts as an abductor of the leg (thigh) such as when you sit with one ankle crossed over the other knee.  It also has importance in walking as it shifts the weight to the opposite side of the foot being lifted which keeps us from falling.

The sciatic nerve usually runs right along side of the piriformis muscle, but in 17% of the time something different happens.  The sciatic nerve pierces the piriformis and runs through it or the sciatic nerve can split and run on each side of the piriformis.

When a nerve is thought of, the picture of a body with lines running all over it appears.  Some lines are bigger than others but none all that big.  Well the sciatic nerve has been known to be larger than two of our fingers at its thickest.  Pretty impressive indeed, but for many with Sciatica or Piriformis Syndrome it has felt like something very big has been causing them a lot of pain.

The problem with the piriformis and the sciatic nerve is that there are no empty pockets of space in the body.  Like a closet that is full with a place for everything and everything in its place.  It you were to go into that closet and decide to increase the amount of clothing by 40% and not remove anything you already had in the closet, what would happen?  Besides now looking like most closets, all the clothes would be compressed or crushed.

This is exactly what happens to the sciatic nerve when the piriformis contracts and does not release.  The muscle size can increase up to 40% from the resting size and it compresses or impinges what it near it. Ah, the sciatic nerve.

When the nerve is irritated it will scream, causing unrelenting pain, numbness and tingling.  It will also disturb function such as restricting the ability to move or causing weakness and disrupting your ability to sleep, sit, walk, think, you name it and it is probably disrupted it.  Sciatic compression or impingement is not quiet.

Well, after all of that it’s time for some better information and that is that the ReCAPS System™ can totally resolve this problem.  This can be a complicated condition and must be addressed from many different aspects, which is exactly what ReCAPS™ does. So, if you are Still In Pain, now is the time to contact us.

Other articles on contributing factors:

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8833 Perimeter Park Blvd., Suite 904, Jacksonville, FL 32216 | 904-928-3303 | 904-928-3343 fax | solutions@stillinpain.info

The information presented here is informative only and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician.  There has been no intent to provide medical advice, diagnose illness or in any way practice medicine.
Always consult your physician on matters of your health.  License MM33984